


Museum Flehite uses cookies on the website.
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer when you visit our website. This technology has been widely used by most websites for some time now. In accordance with the new legislation, we now provide an even more detailed explanation of our use of cookies.

Cookie statement

Museum Flehite uses strictly necessary cookies in order to provide its services. A cookie is a small, basic data file stored on your computer's hard drive or in your browser session. Session cookies do not contain any personal information and are only used to ensure a smoother user experience when visiting our site.
Museum Flehite uses cookies to determine whether this is your first visit to our website (not including the homepage). Museum Flehite also uses cookies to track web statistics (Google Analytics). We also use social media functionality to share pages more effectively. This involves the use of functionality offered by Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Museum Flehite does not have any influence on the cookies used by these third parties.

Blocking cookies

Naturally, you can also choose to block cookies. Most Internet browsers can be configured to reject cookies or notify you when you receive one. The procedure will depend on your browser. Please keep in mind that certain features of the Museum Flehite website will not function or not function optimally if you opt to block cookies. The procedure for disabling cookies will vary depending on your browser.

Deleting cookies after visiting te website

You can also delete cookies from your computer after visiting the website. The relevant procedure will vary depending on your browser.

Museum Flehite AmersfoortMuseum Flehite Amersfoort
Seal stamp
Seal stamp
23 november 2024 - 4 may 2025

Pretty Dark

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15 march 2025 - 29 june 2026

Memories Of Light

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9 july 2023 - 30 december 2030

Eye witnesses to the war

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